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Long-Lasting Countertops, Including Quartz Countertops in Vancouver

When you buy new countertops from us at Rightway Stone Art in Richmond, you’re not getting just any product. You’re getting fully customizable countertops that are the epitome of form and function. Be it marble, engineered stone, granite, or quartz countertops in Vancouver, our products are built using only the finest stone materials and are customized to fit your space and sense of style.

We keep a huge stock of granite and marble products in a wide range of colours and styles. The beauty of granite and marble is found in the natural uniqueness of each piece of stone, as well as the perfectly smooth finish. If you prefer a more uniform material, we also stock engineered stone and laminate, tile, and acrylics. In case you are looking for a finished and clean look in your kitchen, then our quartz countertops can be ideal for you. Our team of professionals can suggest a suitable material for your countertop as per your requirements.

Are you looking for the right countertops in Vancouver? Please get in touch with us to discuss your options. Our quality services speak for the work our team does in Vancouver.

quartz countertops in kitchen

Choosing a Counter

We understand that choosing a counter can be confusing. However, you can make a good decision if you have the right information. It would help if you considered the following factors while selecting a counter:

  • Purpose: The purpose of the counter dictates what kind of counter you should choose. For instance, a kitchen counter sees more wear and tear than a bathroom counter, which is why you should look for a kitchen counter that provides durability.
  • Design: The counter’s design features must blend seamlessly into your home and upgrade its look at the same. You should pay attention to the design options various counters offer and whether they match your property and taste.
  • Budget: You should look at your budget and look for a high-quality counter within your price range. With the availability of more types of counters in the market, you don’t have to spend a large amount of money to purchase a beautiful and sturdy counter.

We provide counters in a range of premium materials that come with unique advantages. If you’re having trouble deciding the right material or design of counter you want, you can speak to one of the expert members of our team. You can also browse through our blog to know more about countertops and their maintenance.


What makes granite so special is that no two slabs of it appear the same. Our granite countertops in Vancouver add a special look to your home. Apart from that, they are popular because of the strength and durability they come with, making them great for kitchens.

White | Black | Gray | Beige | Cream | Brown | Gold | Green | Blue | Red | Pink | Multicolour


Contact Us

Are you looking for high-quality countertops in Vancouver? We at Rightway Stone Art regularly update our inventory to provide our clients with a vast range of options to choose from. If you’d like to find out whether we have the perfect counter for your home renovation project, please call us.

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